Self-publishing just got easy!

Welcome to the very first Publicious blog. I’m looking forward to having the opportunity to share with you, my fellow authors, my publishing knowledge and experience, and to keep you up to date with the latest news and trends in publishing. I’m here to offer you assistance and guidance in the hope that I can steer you away from the many pitfalls that I have experienced during my own publishing journey. “What is this Publicious thing that sounds like delicious, and who is this bloke?” I hear you cry. Publicious is a company run by self-published authors for self-published authors. We are currently helping authors realise their dreams worldwide, including, Australia, USA, Canada, UK, New Zealand and Brazil. So no matter where you are we can help you. Through our own publishing journeys we've learned the dos and the don’ts of the publishing industry and have a genuine interest in passing our knowledge on to our fellow authors....
24 April 2014

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